What is: Its All A Show...
Hello, I'm Eric Handbury, from a small suburb an hour north of Sydney, AU. I have a number of interests, among them: mindfulness and meditation (which is the greatest gift one can give themselves), that consciousness is fundamental and therefore we are the universe, and my support for the autistic community. And during the day, I am Founder and CEO of ActiveClearing.
This site is called "Its All A Show" because life IS just a show. It's not real. It's not real at the fundamental levels, and it is most certainly not real at the conscious level, and some people get it with most not. Bill Hicks got it, my favourite philosopher Alan Watts got it, the brilliant Terence McKenna got it, the Global Consciousness Project got it, and I think I get it.
Look at society. Nothing is real. There is no playbook, no rules. It's only real in the sense that children's games are real. And then some kid will shout out "New rule!", and that's it, the game has changed.
Society is just a collection of people's stories, and yours is as valid as anyone else's. Never ever let anyone else's story supersede your own. We are not meant to tamely exist in the audience of life. You are the guardian and defender of your story, and the only person who truly cares. We can't lose ourselves along the way, or be blinded by fear.
"Under the sword lifted high there is Hell making you tremble, but go ahead and there is the land of Bliss" - Miyamoto Musashi
But I have learnt via my meditation efforts that we are the universe, not a part of it, but we are it. Get to a low enough level and there is no demarcation between the last atomic field in your arm, and the first atomic field of the armchair. The universe unimpededly flows through you, and connects you to everything else. And this is all driven by the fundamental layer of existence, consciousness, coming to life by our evolved conduit: the brain.
So this site is just my playground for these interests.


I have always been an admirer of the sheer brilliance, simplicity, and virality of the Million Pixel Homepage because it is based on the tenet that there are no rules. For quite awhile I tried to figure out how to combine this concept with my interests in consciousness. I think I have found it. I want people's collective consciousness to create art... ConsciousArt.
The Mona Lisa
- created by 1
Creation of Adam
- created by 1
- created by 8 billion
This experiment is similar to ConsciousArt but it keys on connections between people. It wants to group people of similar thoughts, then group them epage",target="_blank">Million Pixel Homepage because it is based on the tenet that there are no rules. For quite awhile I tried to figure out how to combine this concept with my interests in consciousness. I think I have found it. I want to use people's collective consciousness to create art... Conscious Art.
Consciousness and Autism
The autistic have a 'skew' to their perceptions/interactions with the world, from the hardships of Level 3 to the perfect storm of charisma, autism, and drive in Steve Jobs. What is the source of that skew? How do we go about determining it? Genetic differences won't tell us this. We need to think differently. Is it that their conduit into the universal consciousness is skewed? This is such a test.